Kynaston Studd Lodge No. 5416

“Hello and welcome to our website.

We are a Freemason’s Lodge meeting in the heart of St James - a stone’s throw from St James’s Palace, London.

Freemasonry is a unique members’ organisation which has thrived for over 300 years. With no political or religious affiliations, we comprise members from all over the world seeking to expand their horizons and support their communities.

We meet in Lodges where we have ceremonial traditions that encourage us to be more tolerant and respectful, and to actively fulfil our civic and charitable responsibilities. We also make time to eat, drink and meet together, and form lifelong friendships.

Kynaston Studd Lodge was formed in 1933. Our members are drawn from many different professions and locations from IT professionals to tradesmen, from Milton Keynes to Tunbridge Wells to Newbury.”

Just a few examples of the extent of Freemasons’ charitable giving are the 2004 Asian Tsunami (£150,000), aftermath of the New York 9/11 attack (£50,000), 2005 London Bombings (£50,000), 2007 UK flood relief (£86,000). Indeed in recent years, the President’s Emergency Fund alone has donated almost £2 million to these and similar needy causes. But it doesn’t end there. In recent years almost £40 million has been granted to non-Masonic charities. These include the Scout Association and other youth organisations, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the Leonard Cheshire Foundation, air ambulance services, the British Red Cross, various hospices, the Princess Royal Trust for carers and many, many more.

Freemasonry is one of the oldest fraternal organizations in the world. It unites men of good character, different religious, ethnic, social backgrounds, and different ages, and share a belief in the brotherhood and friendship.

Freemasonry offers a solid foundation or blueprint to make good men better to further improve his character and actions through its system of degrees, symbols, and fellowship opportunities.

Freemasonry has also had its fair share of famous members such as,

  • King George VI

  • Abraham Lincoln

  • Colonel Sanders

  • Sir Winston Churchill

  • Prince Phillip HRH Duke of Edinburgh

  • George Washington

  • Harry Houdini

  • Nat King Cole

  • Richard Pryor

  • Rudyard Kiplin

And many, many more.

The key thing here is to remember is that freemasonry is for every man, over the age of 18 years.